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    ZiPo  5 years ago

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    fsLeg  6 years ago

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Derpy Hooves [MLP:FiM]
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MLP:FiM links updated

yay by ~kurokaji11

Megaupload, unfortunately, is now officially dead and won't rise again. RIP, Megaupload, you were the great file hosting.

But let's don't remember sad thing. Because there's something joyful for you, fellow bronies. As you know, with Megaupload shut down every single link became broken. But that shouldn't bother you anymore, if you download my encodes, of course. The reason is that I reuploaded every episode in every quality to another file hosting. That file hosting is FileSonic. And it really stood up for its name, I uploaded entire MLP:FiM collection of episodes (157 files, 63 GB) in less than 9 hours. Naturally, I wouldn't be able to do that without my favourite Python language smile

But that's not all. Remember how frustrating it was when you tried to download a bunch of files from Megaupload without having premium account? Now that's in the past. Because I purchased collaboration premium on FileSonic, which allows everyone, and I do mean everyone, to download my files without waiting, having to enter annoying captha or download limits. From now on you just click the button of the episode you want to download, go to the FileSonic page, click "Start download now!" and the download will start immediately. Let's just hope FileSonic admins won't delete my files or ban my account because of me being such a pirate bastard biglaugh

Online videos, though, are still unclear. With Megavideo down I don't know which video hosting to use, especially with those bans that were happening on YouTube recently. I'll think what I can do about it. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me.

That's all for now. Enjoy your new links. Also, if you like torrents, remember, that this site has its own tracker, on which you can download batches for seasons of MLP:FiM in every quality.

Added: fsLeg | Date: Sunday 22 January 2012 - 00:35:24 | Comments (1)

  • newvelaric
    newvelaric | 2012-01-22 02:41:19
    Thank you, fsLeq. Not just for reuploading all the files, but also for choosing to include the collaboration premium for non-premium members. Kudos!