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Derpy Hooves [MLP:FiM]
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Cupcakes intro

Haters Gonna Die

[GRIMDARK AS FUCK] Yes, you read that title correctly. For those that don't follow the threads on 4chan, this story is pretty much legendary for being the most brutal and disturbing pony story ever written. It will give you nightmares, and will ruin Pinkie Pie forever. Enjoy smile


Also here's another table (yeah, I love those smile) with fanfictions based on the Cupcakes story. Please note, that fanfictions in the dependencies column are nessessary to read before reading corresponding title.

If you liked Cupcakes, you should read Le Petit Four. If you didn't like how gory Cupcakes were and you want to relieve your mind, you should read alt. endings by Pacce or by Cartoonhottie2009. And in any case you simply must read Cupcake Chronicles series (starts with A Precious Rainbow) because it is AWESOME.

Fanfic Author Dependencies Type
Sergeant Sprinkles Nerves of steel smile Original story
No title Darkjester Cupcakes Alt. Ending
No title Pacce Cupcakes Alt. Ending
AU Ending Cartoonhottie2009 Cupcakes Alt. Ending
Friendship is Malice ShakeBunny Cupcakes Prequel
Le Petit Four FinalGamer
James Corck
Cupcakes Sequel
One Last Party Favor Overlord LC Cupcakes
Le Petit Four
Rocket to Insanity Scherzo Cupcakes Sequel
No title unknown Cupcakes
Rocket to Insanity
Alt. Ending
A Precious Rainbow milesprower06 Cupcakes Alt. Ending
The Cupcake Killer milesprower06
A Precious Rainbow
Apple of Her Eye milesprower06 Cupcakes
A Precious Rainbow
The Cupcake Killer
Confessions of Love milesprower06 Cupcakes
A Precious Rainbow
The Cupcake Killer
Apple of Her Eye
Investigation of a Nightmare milesprower06
A Precious Rainbow
The Cupcake Killer
Apple of Her Eye
Confessions of Love
Side story
The Journal of The Cupcake Killer milesprower06
A Precious Rainbow
The Cupcake Killer
Apple of Her Eye
Confessions of Love
Investigation of a Nightmare
Rainbow Leap hahatimeforponies Cupcakes
AU Ending by Cartoonhottie2009
Rocket to Insanity
A Precious Rainbow
The Cupcake Killer
Apple of Her Eye